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NEWSFLASH: Historic 122 year old church in Philadelphia saved from imminent foreclosure! Official Press Release

Small Change, Big Effect!

Noted Author Malcolm Gladwell, in his intellectual adventure “The Tipping Point” investigates the ideas that little changes have big effects and that any one of those changes can be the incendiary means which leads to one dramatic moment when everything can change all at once. That moment is called…the TIPPING POINT!

Robert H. Bork, former Solicitor General and Attorney General of the United States, wrote in his book “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” – “the distinctive virtues of American life, indeed the distinctive features of Western civilization, are in peril in ways not previously seen. We are sliding into a modern, high-tech version of the Dark Ages, and we are doing it to ourselves.”

Even the cavalier liar Lucifer could not have dreamed that America’s spiritual capitulation would be so swift. Never has a nation on Earth embraced his rebellion so easily and submitted to his hell-hounds so assuredly.

Today America is eating, drinking, & indulging in every type of sinful pleasure. Her appetite is the coin with which she buys her eternity and for the most part, Satan is the lord of her good deals. America’s land is covered in the blood of her own holocaust; she has forgotten that she was Christianity’s brightest outpost, the world’s beacon of godly promise & hope! As a nation, we have bought our leisure and fleshly indulgence from a score of promising demons until now… we like the Wise Man can lament, “nothing has worked… and all is vanity” (Eccl. 12:8).

Today our dollar is weaker. Our national debt has ballooned from 250 billion dollars in 1994 to over 17 trillion in 2014.

Today our nation’s immoral proclivities make Gomorrah blush; our national decadence prevails in every facet of life: Politics, Entertainment, Music, Television, Hollywood, and Sports.

As a result, America’s Christian Churches are suffering decline. Her Christian pulpits are being silenced one congregation at a time; pews empty & lamps cold.

The ancient Judeo-Christian landmarks that once noted the indefatigable fortitude of our founding fathers’ faith have been besmirched by a Secularist army who wishes to alter America’s story; rewriting her history & cannibalizing her faith-filled glory!

America is at a Tipping Point. She is under siege. She is being mercilessly attacked, both from within and without.

Not only does she suffer from the corrosive canker of a debauched soul, but she seems to have lost her will to stand against hell’s assaulting tyranny.

False teachers checker our nation’s landscape. World leaders who once touted their Christian service and love for the Bible as electable traits, now embrace the Koran.

On August 30, 2014 our 39th President Jimmy Carter told the Islamic Society of North America, “The principles of Allah are the key to peace in the Middle East“, demonstrating incontrovertible evidence that some of our leaders are unequivocal betrayers of Truth!

Islam has the entire world civilization as its target! Islam seeks world domination through its ideology of holy war and martyrdom. Its followers believe that the tenets of their religion are best served by inciting mayhem and murder, bombings, kidnappings, mass executions, beheadings, bloodshed and terrorism wherever they are permitted residence.

In the not too distant past, world leaders who represent Islam met in Chicago to ratify a strategy to secure worship sites all over America in the hopes that they could overwhelm our American culture with the invasion of their religious influence and tyrannical power.

However, the words of Jesus still live. After Peter declared Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God, Jesus said, “…the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church.” The Church that Jesus built is invincible! The imagery of this passage is often misunderstood. Jesus was not suggesting that the Church would be impervious to attacks from Hell. The word “gates” is not suggestive of offensive weaponry; but rather a word used to describe a barricade. So Jesus, when speaking of the strategy of Hell, was stating that the “gates of Hell” were more like a prison, and Hell’s plot would be that it would try to contain or imprison the Church.

We will not be contained, nor will we withdraw; but we pledge to give our all – our very lives, our time, our talent and our treasures toward the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the preservation of Christianity and the Saving of Christian Churches in America.

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